Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Orfescu's NanoArt - Digital Mural

Commuters coming to Boston on the Massachusetts Turnpike now have a new landmark: a large LED digital mural outside WGBH's new studio complex in Brighton. Every day, from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., the digital mural features a new image or series of images drawn largely from that day's TV or radio programming on WGBH or from other sources of content that reflect WGBH's mission. Embedded in the building's exterior wall, the approximately 30-foot-by-45-foot display of light-emitting diode (LED) panels is visible to eastbound MassPike travelers from approximately a mile and a half away.WGBH is a public service media for New England on TV, radio, the Web, and out in the community. WGBH is the single largest producer of PBS prime-time and online programming, and a major source of programs heard on public radio from coast to coast.

In honor of the Cambridge Science Festival, on April 26 the WGBH's digital mural will feature the work of Cris Orfescu. This festival is the first and only full-scale celebration of science and technology in the United States. During nine days in April, the City of Cambridge erupts with 200 free & open events designed to excite, engage and educate the public.

As part of this year's Cambridge Science Fair, the Boston Museum of Science will be featuring NanoArt, an exhibition intended to promote a greater understanding of nanotechnology among the general public. Nanohedron will present a slide show featuring Orfescu's works along with other nanoartists.

NanoArt is a new discipline which combines art with science to create sculptures at molecular and atomic levels. Artists and scientists use chemical or physical processes to create these works, and the resulting atomic and molecular structures are visualized with powerful research tools like scanning electron and atomic force microscopes. These scientific images are then captured and further processed, using different artistic techniques, to convert them into artworks.

To view Orfescu's work, please visit

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